One could think either Yetta is getting taller or Exa is getting smaller- Well. One sure could think that. x)
This, especially the first page, is a prime example of what happens if I don't PLAN to make a comic page. The flow is completly all over the place with thtat one. One SHOULD have had Exa look up to Yetta in the first panel, then go to Yetta from a low point of view perspective (exas pov) THEN transision to Yetta's eye level for focus on him for the next page. Also i usually prefer the action to move to the right (moving forward into reading direction), not to the left like on the second page. But i just started to draw Yetta for the fun of it so this ended up as is x) (1/2)
Zargels because, Yetta because of course, Attila and Joakim pen test for potential comic reasons, falkstach!, Yoctotyr, and double Jesher because he needed a redo. <3 (1/2)
Heshiva and his calamity sons Nemenoleus and Yettadeimos. You just have to create the right tool for the job.
Just some ULF Wizards mostly side or background characters. x) I wanted to put some faces to some of them, and put down colours for the others. (Current OC Wizard count: 21 + 2 in reserve. Could be worse. xD)
Exavidar and Yettadeimos and top level wizard engineering <3
Just some more casual wizards!
Just some wizards in uniforms. Most just background characters really. There’s the ridiculously tall one, Yettadeimos, first alone, and with Quadirymir (who is inappropriately touchy), then Yoctotyr, then a questionable get together and last but not least Nemoneleus and Ralathor gossiping bout post-HoF Angus most likely. Does one notice that I’m having a blast making up Wizards? Pff.
Just some wizards in uniforms. Most just background characters really. There’s the ridiculously tall one, Yettadeimos, first alone, and with Quadirymir (who is inappropriately touchy), then Yoctotyr, then a questionable get together and last but not least Nemoneleus and Ralathor gossiping bout post-HoF Angus most likely. Does one notice that I’m having a blast making up Wizards? Pff.
Just some wizards in uniforms. Most just background characters really. There’s the ridiculously tall one, Yettadeimos, first alone, and with Quadirymir (who is inappropriately touchy), then Yoctotyr, then a questionable get together and last but not least Nemoneleus and Ralathor gossiping bout post-HoF Angus most likely. Does one notice that I’m having a blast making up Wizards? Pff.