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Everything in this wiki is still a work in progress, that includes especially any texts already uploaded. This is not polished yet and it won't be for quite some time. This is a proof of concept if anything. All informations may be subject to change or at least will be rewritten at some point.



  1. Personality


A glass half empty kind of person. After the disaster that was Kilchoan, and the suspicion of desertion, he has lost a lot of trust capital and several ranks. 

He never has been very ambitious, but after basically catastrophically failing his first real command in Kilchoan, he now just does what he is made to do. 

He's very detail oriented and dedicated to any given task, but has a tendency to overthink things.


Kilchoan (• 3 • 4 • 6 • 9 •)

Stargazer - Part 1 (• 5 •)

Gallery (8)