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Everything in this wiki is still a work in progress, that includes especially any texts already uploaded. This is not polished yet and it won't be for quite some time. This is a proof of concept if anything. All informations may be subject to change or at least will be rewritten at some point.

Ranks Purpose


Mostly Keepers overseeing a defined set of information like a library or database


Overseer of the chambers of time and time Engineers in Mezchinhar


Building new Wizards or Parts


Creating constructs and Demon magic, everything that


A wizard that is able to fully connect to another wizard without harming themselves

Porter and Planeswalker

Focused on Infrastructure and logistic magic stuff (Engineers (Planeswalker) creating portal magic and Wizards (Porter) making sure ressources are where they need to be)


Cursewriter (programmers if you like)


Manipulator of matter and elements, Metalworker


Dedicated overseeing a part of space or a particular planet, Only Grand Wizards or higher


Seeking the knowledge of the Lords and teaching their memories (More theological than Theorists)

Lordseekers are usually the one combing the multiverse for any clue and remnant of the Lord’s existence. (Like everything that got lost after the Last Whisper. That including wizards, spaces, ships, artifacts like the HoG, KoE etc, and other magical constructs) and once they find them dissecting them to atoms (on various levels of literally) all with the hope to one day find access to other spaces like Mezchinhar again, maybe find other wizards too, or regain a connection to the Lords, or find out what happened to them, if anything happened to them. (This is all where a certain faith and belief component comes in. From first hand accounts of the likes of Heshiva who were there, the Lords just "were" with no discernable motivation. But the Lordseeker try to find reason anyways, trying to make sense of their past existence.)

While Theorists usually focused on the observable and proven, Lordseekers are more concerned with what they don't know yet. Trying to find that elusive "There has to be more to this existence"


Explorer of time and space, explorer and cartographer of star systems within the multiverse


Surveying and analysing the contents of starsystems, cataloguing signed of life and making future predictions for the systems.


Teacher and knowledge conveyors, for example to the primal wizards in Mezchinhar, Wizards assigned a new purpose or even human Civilizations to be raised up.


Agents to influence and shape a planet


Wizards in charge of/or operating mobile structures, or certain stations.


Study of Flora and Fauna (humans included)


Engineers mainly focused on building structures etc.

Master Controller

Superintendent to a bunch of Creationist or Plainswalker, Project leader


Evaluating, analysing and filing of visual inputs, either from Soldiers or the Memories of Wizards.


Information distributors


Chemists, mana makers


Administrative tasks, logistics, planning, assigning purposes etc.


Investigators of the First Circle


The Initial wizards to mingle with an existing population of a planet and to gather information on history, politics and tech understanding


Scholars of all things concerning wizards and lords magic as well as the hell dimensions, Iumzache and state of the multiverse


Overseer and manager of a single node in Mezchinhar or an Tower (One entire tower is usually classified as one node unless they are really big)


Making sure repositories are fully stocked, storage and stock management, Curator - usually keeper, not limited to Mezchinar, accumulating informations or objects of specific value (in Mezchinhar it is the written knowledge as well as Magical items, especially the lords artifacts, in the multiverse Curators usually aid the Envoys in keeping track of the knowledge and state of the Civilizations)


Managing of a congregation, more dealing with the social delicacies and making sure everyone is playing nice with each other. Almost akin to a mediator.


Passive watchers of a civilisation.


Clothes makers for Mezchinhar


Basic support units for wizards/parts. Akin to Medics as well as general aids. Under strong supervision at all times. Wizards usually only have one Mage they would call upon for help.

On Mage is usually assigned to a limited number of Wizards. One wizard usually has one Mage. The relationship between a wizard and their Mage is one of absolut trust allowing the physical contact necessary. 

Mages will travel to the places they are needed (for example, if one Part reports having a problem the Mage, accompanied by his Oathkeeper, will go there to solve the problem)


Cross Section of Soulturner and Mages, focusing on trying to fix wizards with a technical problem. (If one thinks of Mages as your general family physician, Archmages are the ER doctors under the wizards) 

Arch Mages are usually stationary, bound to either Mezchnhar or a tower of their own choosing but always under constant surveillance. They are always watched by at least one Oathkeeper. 

Unlike Mages they will not make “house calls”. If there is a wizard with a bad enough problem, that wizard will be brought to them. They are not assigned to one wizard exclusively. 

Archmages also take care of rehabilitating wizards who lost over one half of themselves. 

The Military counterpart to Archmages are the Battlemages.


Wizards that watch over, protect and observe the Mage/Archmage they are assigned to.

Making sure they do not come in contact with corrupting influences that would be harmful to the wizards the Mages tend to.