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Grand Wizard


  1. Personality


He's extremely serious, barely seen without a frown on his face. He dislikes not being taken seriously. 

He's ambitious and most comfortable following the rules and orders prescribed by Mezchinhar. There is a clear order and clearly defined procedures that should be followed and he likes that. 

He does care about the people close to him as well as those he is tasked to oversee. While he may not show it, he's really proud of his earth and attached to it. It's a massive task of managing and controlling that he finds most satisfying. The more he will get irritated when someone interferes with it. 

Losing earth genuinely hit him really hard, having lost a part of his life he was very fond of. In the scale of his life, the 11tousand years he had been on earth aren't that long, but it was his first very own custodian position and he was fully invested in making it work and saving the planet from the dooming prophecies.

While he doesn't like Zargothrax on a personal level, he still trusts him and actually cares about him to an extent and will grant him much more leeway than most other wizards. (He has saved Zargothrax' live several times already)

The attack on earth consequently felt very personal to him.


Wizard of Cowdenbeath (• 7 •)

Kilchoan (• 11 •)

Gallery (8)