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Everything in this wiki is still a work in progress, that includes especially any texts already uploaded. This is not polished yet and it won't be for quite some time. This is a proof of concept if anything. All informations may be subject to change or at least will be rewritten at some point.

The Circles

The individual circles within Mezchinhar.

Circles are divided into planes horizontally and chapters vertically. Direction is declared as ascension (360°/0° basically Mezchinhar's north)

Each circle is composed of an array of nodes. The main aspect of Mezchinhar's circles and their nodes is that they aren't actually connected physically in space. One node of a circle can be at one end of Mezchinhar while another may lay somewhere completely different, with several other nodes from other circles in-between, but they are still organised logically into one circle. The use of portals only make them appear directly connected. Nodes are built as they need wherever there is space.
The only exception to this is the first circle Mezaiz, which surrounds the iumzache. It is solely contained to the area surrounding it.


Circle of the Lords /The first Circle

Located at Mezchinhar's heart surrounding the Ium. Most wizards are not allowed to enter the first Circle. The first Circle also referred to the very top of wizard society, the wizards in Mezaiz that make all the decisions.


Circle of force - military complex

One of the largest circles in Mez, fashion is very military, lots of black and practical outfits

Mezax (circle of fire - weapon engineering) - Subcircle of Mezboahn and Mezhenxen, Wizards from Mezax often have a very distinct drawl as accent. 


Circle of creation - Construction and fabrication complex

Very practically orientated, even in clothing


Circle of existence - Creation of Parts and Wizards

Mostly Soulturners, fashion is very bright, much white and gold.

Mezhenxenovu   (circle of reclamation) - Recycling and repurposing of mostly broken wizards and soldiers, subcircle of Mezhestvo and Mezaiz

The Chambers of Time  Through manipulation of the artificial gravity, time in the chambers of time can be slowed down dramatically, but never fully stopped.


Circle of learning - Storage and curation of knowledge and information

Mostly Keepers, fashion similar to Mezhestvo, white and gold. These wizards are often very soft spoken, very quiet. 

Meznazonuk (circle of knowledge) - Subcircle of Mezdovat, archive of information

Mezkrov (circle of keeping) - Subcircle of Mezdovat, where lordly artifacts and stuff is kept.

Opyum  A very large and very old node within Mezdovat, also called the Forum. Here information as well as services are exchanged. (Like if a Custodian is in need of specific materials or personel, but has no direct access to anyone able to provide it, they will have to  request these via the forum’s pathfinders who will connect them to an appropriate wizard willing to work with them. Opyum doesn’t have to be physically entered to take advantage of this function.