Libary of Mezdovat
Everything in this wiki is still a work in progress, that includes especially any texts already uploaded. This is not polished yet and it won't be for quite some time. This is a proof of concept if anything. All informations may be subject to change or at least will be rewritten at some point.
Iumzache (and Time)
The heart in Mezchinhar centre and literally the thing that makes Mezchinhar even able to exist and don’t ask the wizards how it works because hell if they know. What they do know it that it’s pulsing. The pulse is called ium.
The Iumzache provides all of Mezchinhar’s power, it’s an unlimited and eternal source of it and all wizards and most of wizard magic is linked to it, syphoning of its eternal flow of effortless energy.
Time in Mezchinhar
2.812.435 Ium in total since the creation of the Iumzache
Currently Pulse of Ium 812435 in the second era.
1 ium translates to roughly 20.000 earth years.
Defined by an evenly spread state of Pulse: raising, pulse, waneing, silence.
20000 ium (one whole pulse)
5000 fourth-ium (length of one state: raising, pulse, waning, silence)
2500 half-fourth ium (time till the peak of any state) (2500 years into the silence of an ium there is the absolute silence, where Mezchinar is totally quiet. It is very unnerving)
1250 four-fourth ium
They use “human time” (SET - Standar Earth Time) but no days - short time spans measured in earth hours (since it’s their main focus planet in most of their universes) but of course there is no day and night in mezchinhar.
One cycle = depending on the wizard but commonly ca 80 hours (usually 70 hours of work and 10 hours of sleep, naps included) colloquially also called a tick when referring to a span of time ("it will take me at least 4 ticks") cycle usually refers to the personal amount of time between sleep, a tick is assuming the average.