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Language (Wizards)

Wizards are inherently bilingual, and in practice omnilingual as they are able to pick up new languages on the fly or have them memorized already. Native and exclusive to Mezchinhar are two languages; Teshvo and Vaeh.


  1. Teshvo
  2. Vaeh


Primarily conceived to teach primal wizards to speak a human tongue, it has become the main spoken language in Mezchinhar.

The language has evolved over time being split into Old and New Teshvo, where old Teshvo is a lot shorter and much more reliant on context to identify the individual words, new Teshvo ads in a lot of prepositions and similar grammatical additions.

Teshvo is primarily written in cursive. Most of what a wizard will write will be written in Teshvo (be it journals, observations or theories). There are standard ciphers issued frequently by Mezchinhar to obscure the wizards' knowledge from any non-wizard. Since the ciphers are unique, it is also a reliable way to date any written text.
Usually Wizards keep only the ciphers of one ium memorized (exception are keeper), older ones will have to be accessed via Mezchinhar (Usually quickly via a wizards' Wizard in Mezchinhar). If the ciphers can't be accessed, a wizard can decrypt it by reading enough of the text to decipher it manually.

Theshvo conceives most nouns as concepts. For example, the word for Law will translate literally to "Will of the ruler" or Lava will be literally translated "Liquid fire stone". Consequently, many words in Teshvo can become rather long.


i before consonant = ia
i before vowel or at the end of a word = i (ee)


Vaeh is a purely digital language wizards are built upon. They inherently understand Vaeh. Vaeh is not spoken (though it can be translated into sounds as much as into pulse signals that can be transmitted via sound waves or light). A written down instruction in Vaeh would appear more akin to a very complex QR-Code than any words or letters.
Vaeh is used for most internal communications in Mezchinhar, the transferal of data, as well as direct communication between two wizards.

Vaeh is also the language Parts of the same Wizards talk to each other (internally) - speaking to another part in Teshvo is considered impractical due to its slowness, as the other part would, due to the memorie sync, already know what the other is about to say before the sentence is finished.