Libary of Mezdovat
Everything in this wiki is still a work in progress, that includes especially any texts already uploaded. This is not polished yet and it won't be for quite some time. This is a proof of concept if anything. All informations may be subject to change or at least will be rewritten at some point.
Twin Planet
General Information
Hatir is Tyr’s sister planet. The two planets are locked in an elliptical orbit around each other, though Hatir moves slower than Tyr does. Hatir keeps a more static distance to the sun than Tyr does.
Hatir has a population of 1.3 billion people and at least double as many sheep. Of those 1.2 billion about 40 million are werewolves.
A year on Hatir and Try is 8 months, Leitnacht and Mondwache mark the times when Tyr is the furthest away from (Leitnacht) and the closest to (Mondwache) Hatir.
During the two months Tyr is the closest the weather is mild and less prone to storms. The rest of the year, especially around Leitnacht when Tyr is the furthest from Hatir, constant storms and rain are the norm.
It's axis to the sun is almost perpendicular causing no major seasonal changes. Colloquially Tyr and Hatir are considered each other's moons. However, Hatir is much more stable in its own orbit relative to the sun than Tyr is, which strays much further away from it. Consequently, the weather on Hatir is a lot more uniform than it is on Tyr.
Snow is extremely unlikely outside the pole regions.
One day on Hatir is 18 hours.
Style: Industrial underground, high gothic
Hatarian cities are build down, not up. The highest points in a city are usually the crypt mounts with their cathedrals and churches. Most other structures have only a ground level under a curved and low roof and extend downwards from there, often linking up to the tunnels.
Exclusively underground cities are historically rare but since the pact of Fallsiel and the unification of the holy houses under the banner of the King under the Moon, and the increased globalization following after, it is possible to have cities that do not rely on farming themselves.
Hatir operates under a theocracy, lead by the King under the moon, the individual holy houses by Cardinals. While today all holy houses have sworn fealty by blood to the King under the Moon, they still are very distinct factions.
The hatarian people have always relied on the wolves for their strength and protection, though many of the early houses enforced the rule of the wolf by force more so than cooperation. Especially early on, the general population of non-wolfes was one of the most valuable and finite resources on the planet, fueling many disputes and fighting between the houses.
Finding frost shelter within the cavernous mountains and plains of Hatir, the Hatarina people have developed a very advanced culture of stonework and art. Generally, since scarcity has become less of a problem, Art has become a very important part of their culture (Stonework and Sculpting, Paintings, Writing, Music,Weaving). Their churches and cathedrals are true pieces of art.

Sex, Nudity and Modesty
Modesty in the sense of a taboo around the naked body is basically non existent on Hatir due to the fact that seeing a naked wolf running around isn't at all unusual (especially prior to the invention of the super stretch fabrics)
A sense of modesty exists around the idea of displaying superiority above the general population. It is seen as extremely disrespectful and rude for a wolf to flaunt one's physical superiority. Under the rule of the King under the Moon every non-wolf is seen as sacred, because they are what gives them life. They are the wolves' subjects only for the sake of protection, and their holy duty is to keep them safe and healthy.
Sex is an extremely dominant part in their culture and art and not limited to any bound between two people. Children are generally raised by the entire pack/family and so there isn’t a focus on any one couple. Sleeping around is pretty normal and not frowned upon and there is no stigma around children conceived out of wedlock. More babies means more people and more people can sustain more wolves. The cultural encouragement and social support to have many children without suffering any negative consequences is the reason why Hatir’s population has grown quicker than Tyrs. Wolves are, given their long life span, generally more careful about pregnancies in accordance with the general population.
The markings the wolves wear in their human form are artificially applied by dye or tattoo. They are kept close to the actual markings of the wolf form. If a wolf has no markings, the markings in human form can be “made up”. The markings can be very ornamental and decorative, but there are many different styles across the planet and different customs.
Wearing one's markings is expected in public and required on religious occasions and in battle. In private and with trusted people it’s not expected to wear them.
Wolves are expected to start wearing their marking after Confirmation (around age 20). In the past this was the point where they were seen as adults, this has changed by now, since they are still rather young at that age.
Wearing the markings is religious and cultural, but not written into law. Consequences of not wearing them are social not legal.
The markings were originally implemented to clearly mark the amount of wolves in any population since too many wolves within any group can get very dangerous to both sides (see diet). Marking themselves to staunch paranoia and put the general population at ease was an initiative by the wolves themselves implemented and it has become a sign of pride in the blessing they received.
Seeing an unfamiliar wolf without their markings is generally seen as very unusual if not cause for alarm, because it is seen as very suspicious (wolf in sheep's clothing effect). Seeing a familiar wolf without their markings is unusual, but generally seen as an oddity.
The transformation from human to wolf and vice versa returns the body to a more ideal healthy state - meaning most injuries and wounds will be rapidly healed. (Like cuts and bullet wounds. This effect only applies to living tissue. Cut off limbs will remain cut off.)
The process of transformation takes a lot of energy, especially when they need to heal through injuries as well. A wolf may dodge death by doing this a few times but will eventually drop dead by exhaustion when they have no more energy left (causing a state of rapid starvation which leads to heart failure)
The Hatarian Werwolves need to consume the blood of non-wolves to stay alive. Caloric intake can be buffed up by fatty meats. The blood has to come from the hatarian general population (simple human off-world blood for example wouldn’t work). Given their shared history with Tyr, they can also feed on the blood of the Tyrian people. For peace keeping reasons this doesn’t happen though.
They need the blood, otherwise they will be driven mad by hunger and ultimately die, which is why the wolves need a stable and large enough non-wolf population around them. If there are too many wolves, the normal population can give enough blood, which can lead to wolves attacking them in mad hunger, causing a further decline in population and ultimately causing an inescapable death spiral.
Holy Houses
Noticeable orders and holy houses that have sworn allegiance to the true King under the Moon.
- Whitewolves
- Greywolves
- Blackwolves
- Snowwolves
- Bloodwolves
- Church of the first hand
- Order of Sorrows
- The Red Mark
Hatarian sheep are sturdy creatures and agile as a mountain goats. There are 45 different,officially recognized breeds of these sheep. They are found all over the planet. Their wool is thick and almost completely waterproof. Almost all fabric on Hatir is made from it. They prefer to eat the red moss that grows almost all over the planet in wet dark places (which most of Hatir is for 6 months a year)
Shared History with Tyr
Neither the people of Hatir or Tyr are native to the planets. Hatir and Tyr used to be one planet which was destroyed. The destruction scattered the remains of the planet into the system from which the twin planets Hatir and Tyr formed. The system itself stayed uninhabited for a very long time after that.
The people of Hatir and Tyr actually share common ancestors.
Many centuries ago, a prison fleet passed through the system and suffered a catastrophic prison revolt that saw warden defend against prisoners and not much later the total destruction of the entire fleet. The two opposing factions with the resources they managed to take hold of crash landed on Tyr and Hatir respectively.
Due to struggles within the powers that had commanded the fleet in the first place, no rescue was ever sent.
Only able to rely on what little supplies and technology they could scavenge from their broken ships , both factions lost all contact to each other for decades as the struggle to metely survival and setback in tech level to near medieval levels prevented any chance of leaving the planets. While the people on Hatir quickly came to rely on the protection and strength of the wolves in their mids, the people on Tyr quickly formed a striked and efficient military order to face this emergency.
Neither side even learned about the fall of the people they once belonged to and that by then nobody even knew them to be there. And neither side was even aware the other still existed.
First as the first ships were sent into space again, Tyr became aware of Hatir and Hatir of Tyr.
Not much later the fighting started - because they are long living people. And many still recognized whom they were dealing with.
It took many centuries of war and ceasefires and even episodes of forced peace till 80 years ago the first real treaty of peace was formed between the two planets, made possible by the unification of Hatir.
Both planets, since being formed by the same destroyed one before, share a very similar composition, with many precious metals being widely available and spread all over the planets' crust.