Law Of Fire I - Tale of Moons

Literally shot out of light speed, the DSS Hootsforce suddenly finds herself in a pending war between the two twin planets of Tyr and Hatir. Armed conflict seems inevitable as tensions rise and a conspiracy of murder and destruction unfolds before our heroes.
47 Pages
Russian TranslationPublished: 01.05.2020
Law Of Fire I - Tale of MoonsLaw Of Fire II - Starheart

Leaving Tyr and Hatir behind, the DSS Hootsforce arrives at the dwarven space station Altrada for some badly needed repairs and R&R. But trouble soon follows.
48 Pages
Russian TranslationPublished: 29.01.2021
Law Of Fire II - StarheartLaw Of Fire III - Kings and Legends

Asked to investigate a troubling development on Galast, the crew of the Hootsforce, alongside a forgotten friend and a familiar stranger, soon finds themselves pitted against a horrible magical corruption that threatens to consume the planet.
55 Pages
Russian TranslationPublished: 07.01.2022
Law Of Fire III - Kings and LegendsLaw Of Fire IV - Remnants of Gods

Running out of time, the Hootsforce Crew enters Gorgons Row - a long quarantined Galaxy, in hope to find a mystical artefact of the wizards of yore, but yet unaware what truly ancient danger awaits them there.
64 Pages
Published: 22.12.2023
Law Of Fire IV - Remnants of GodsLaw Of Fire VI - Mondfeuer

The War of the Serpent rages on Hatir. As Dunkelwald falls silent and all communication is lost with the crown prince Attila and his pack, King Salamon calls desperately upon the help of a distant friend, pleading for help.
38 Pages
Published: 31.03.2023
Law Of Fire VI - MondfeuerStory
Heart of Fire

The DSS Hootsforce is traveling the galaxy, fighting for the light. But in the back of his mind, the heroic Prince of Fife is faced with a shadow of evil intent and soon thrust into a fight against a merciless foe on a battlefield of darkness. A battle with rules unbeknownst to him. Can the wizard at his side help him win this fight, or will he be the reason for his downfall?
12 Chapters
Published: 30.05.2020
Heart of FireThe Warrior

With a thunderous implosion, the Earth was vaporised. Tearing a dimensional rift in the heavens. And through the rift in time and space, the Warrior arrived in an unknown reality. Terrible darkness had fallen over the earth as the forces of evil scoured the land. The Warrior knew he had to make his way to of the last bastion of hope left by the wizards of yore.
7 Chapters
Published: 05.09.2020
The WarriorWizard of Cowdenbeath

Deep beneath Cowdenbeath there stands a wizard tower, long abandoned by it’s master. It stands silent now, dreaming of a friendship once grown and crumbled in within its walls.
21 Chapters
Published: 16.01.2021
Wizard of CowdenbeathKilchoan

In the fateful battle of Kilchoan, Chaos and Order had clashed and ripped the land apart, leaving the sea in an uproar and the sky howling in agony. Lost deep beyond that earthly chaos were faint whispers from the void, speaking of wizards and soldiers that were to never return home again. Speaking of the Grandmaster and the loyal Soldier at his side.
12 Chapters
Published: 29.05.2021

Invited by King Attila, the Hootsforce’s crew returns to Hatir to celebrate Leitnacht. Spirits are high, but Ralathor already suspects one and a million things to go wrong this night.
3 Chapters
Published: 18.12.2021
LeitnachtParts and Fragments

1992 - War has grown in the empire, the united forces of Earth stand to fight at the battle at mars. Deep within the ancient tunnels of earth, the fight seems far away, and yet, as the Hermit wakes up, the day that would tear through the fabric of reality and the sanity of his own mind had already begun.
6 Chapters
Published: 08.01.2022
Parts and FragmentsReturn to Darkness

Under the black fire of the corrupted sun, the Earth is left dying in chaos – and now the one wizard that returned to the dark world has only one chance to make it right. To his surprise, he soon finds an unexpected ally to help him in his monumental quest.
21 Chapters
Published: 26.02.2022
Return to DarknessULF Collection: Hootsforce

A collection of short stories from the Hootsforce.
11 Chapters
Published: 30.07.2022
ULF Collection: HootsforceULF Collection: Mezchinhar

A collection of short stories out of Mezchinhar.
7 Chapters
Published: 01.10.2022
ULF Collection: MezchinharTriton

It has been 1000 years since Prince Angus' victory over Zargothrax. 1000 years since the chaos wizard has been inprisoned in frozen ice. But the peace brough by this victory has withered. The empire is at war. And Triton has become the focus of schemes centuries in the working.
4 Chapters
Published: 03.12.2022
TritonLittle Wizard

The young Primal Wizard Zargothrax is looking and preparing for a Wizard accepting his Scionship.
5 Chapters
Published: 01.04.2023
Little WizardThe Court Wizard

After arriving on Earth, Zargothrax realises that he has been given a second chance to fulfill his destiny. He has been given almost 200 years to prepare - and so he does what needs to be done.
24 Chapters
Published: 10.06.2023
The Court WizardULF Collection: Heshiva's Journals

A collection of writings by Lord Wizard Heshiva
7 Chapters
Published: 09.12.2023
ULF Collection: Heshiva's JournalsStargazer - Part 1

Abandoned, alone, and hurt, the Stargazer finds himself faced with the one wizard he thought he would never speak to again. But where is he to go, if not back to Mezchinhar and the rest of himself.
35 Chapters
Published: 16.12.2023
Stargazer - Part 1To Save A Prince

After Angus’ dramatic ascension to (alleged) godhood and, frankly, a well-deserved night of rest for everyone (not proven), there sure won’t be anything that will prevent the crew of the Hootsforce from finally returning to their original Universe, where Angus sure is already eagerly expected. Especially after the most recent events.
16 Chapters
Published: 26.10.2024
To Save A Prince