Read Chapter 3 of Universe: To Save a Prince on AO3
There is a point in this chapter, a back and forth with is like an appendix from a very early plan for this story BUT - it completly gridlocked the story three chapters down from here so things had to be adjusted :\')
Maria - another for the Wiki
Hatir got quite a metal scene. For sure. x)
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Law Of Fire VI - Mondfeuer
Travel logistics :I
But from far below, there is another problem approaching fast. (I'd never call Falk a problem - more like what he's about to report xD)
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Law Of Fire VI - Mondfeuer
So. Here was a visual problem I kinda fluffed up. xD The portal is being opened, which means one half of it is disapearing here and setting down at the place Ralathor just came back from. And I'm sure there would have been ways to actually show that. I just dropped the ball on that.
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Law Of Fire VI - Mondfeuer
Yeah right, mister multitasking, immediatly getting distracted. Let\'s assume he has to wait for some glue to dry or something xD
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Law Of Fire VI - Mondfeuer
Giving the kids a little moment too. uvu Since Maria's comment in "Leitnacht" is basically what eventually led to this comic even being a thing.