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Law Of Fire II - Starheart
Heh. Not a single care in the world right here. Just some well deserved R&R. There is no problem! ✨
This one is for @cardinalxsin and their fic “Southern California Dreams”!
All five parts of Ralathor~ ? And I’m sure for anyone not reading along with the ULF stuff this is very confusing. In that case, just have five times Ralathor. It’s fine. ?
Heh. I always found that line in the lyrics funny. x)
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Law Of Fire II - Starheart
Well hello there Captain Lampshade. ? Now - time to share a couple drinks and that will be it. I’m sure of it.
I can’t put into words how much joy drawing happy Angus sparks. He’s a delight. That’s fact. ?